How To Stay Productive At Work
Don’t Overextend Yourself. Sometimes you simply may not have enough time in the day to complete your work! If you are volunteering to work on extra projects, or attending every meeting that could’ve easily been a quick informational email, you’re overextending time that you likely need to finish your own job role before volunteering to take over others.
Take It One Step At A Time. When you are trying to complete seven tasks at once, your attention is being thinned out across the way. If instead, you fully focus on one task at a time, you will set yourself up for fewer chances for mistakes. Each of your tasks should be given your undivided attention because this is how you perform best.
Putting Things Off. It’s one thing to prioritize your responsibilities and work your way down the list, but you have to make it to those last few items. If you let the small work pile up, it will soon become an overwhelming stack that you do not have the time or energy to crack into. Make sure to push yourself to complete ALL of your tasks, before they are due, and especially before they multiply.
Don’t Procrastinate! When you are at work, stay present. Your employer has given you the number of tasks with the expectation that you have an accurate amount of time to complete them, therefore your time at work should be organized for productivity. If you are finding yourself with a lack of motivation or drive, stand up, walk around, grab a drink, and push through!
When You’re At Work, You’re At Work. We are all guilty of giving our attention to every dinging notification that comes from our cell phone, no matter where we are or what time it is. This could quite possibly be the biggest factor in reducing productivity at work. That being said, you will see the most difference if you make it a point to only focus on the notifications that pertain to work if any.
If you are guilty of any of these habits, don’t beat yourself up! It definitely takes energy and effort to keep yourself focused and productive at work, but it is certainly possible and beneficial. When the time for a promotion or review arises, you will have nothing to sweat knowing that you have given it your all in your current position and are ready to master the next step!